Sunday, November 27, 2011

Chapter 2 - Cross Order

*Aki opened the door and took Rinyu's hand. He walked out with Rinyu with a serious face.*
Aki: Ai-san. Her is ability is extremely rare and belongs to the elemental type. Let's go somewhere else to talk about this.
Ai: Then we shall go to my office.
*Everyone went to Kirie Ai's office except for Hikari, Yuuji and Daisuke*
*Aki sits down on the couch with Rinyu*
*Ai closes the door*
Ai: So, you've said that her ability is rare and also belongs in the elemental category?
Aki: Yes. When I used the character's curse to identify her ability, the word "tamashii 魂" remained on her chest. 
Ai: Spirit? -shocked-
Aki: precisely.
Rinyu: -raises right hand- Err, may I have an explanation on all these things that I don't understand?
Ai: Ah, yes. First, I have to tell you why our Order exist.
Rinyu: Please do.
Ai: Our world exists as a dimension called 'mortal's realm' which means Human World. There's three dimensions altogether. The spirit's realm, the mortal's realm and the abyss where all the sprites live. 
Rinyu: You mean those things that I saw?
Ai: Yeah. Sprites aren't supposed to enter the mortal's realm and there never was any until 9 years ago. A child was born with an extraordinary dangerous ability, 'The Curse of Miasma'. Miasma is an energy that can be found in the abyss. It's also the sprite's main source of food and life. The Curse of Miasma took over the soul of that child and began to release an incredible amount of miasma in our dimension. 
Rinyu: What do you mean by the Curse took over the child's soul?
Aki: Akatsuki-san, A Curse exist as a being too. For example, the curses I possess each have their own mind and emotions. Each possesses different personalities and abilities. 
Ai: Yes, you can say that it's a miracle for Aki to control all one thousand curses in 1 year.
Aki: Rather than control, I'd prefer it making them my allies. Each of these curses are connected with the moon. Or you might say they all reveal their true form to me when the moon can be seen.
Ai: That's why the curse of miasma took over the child's soul. It was too great for that child to bear. Our order was formed for the purpose to stop that curse and gather all Ability Users that we can find to help us. All ability users have ranks and their own task in the Cross Order. Lower ranks track down low level sprites that had been appearing in our dimension. Higher ranks handle more delicate tasks such as eliminating the sprites and handling the enemies sent from Zen.
Rinyu: Zen?
Ai: Zen is the name of that child that had been taken over by the curse. We still can't locate where they're hiding. However, rank A and rank B members have special tasks. They are those who's abilities are greatly used in this order. And we need you, Akatsuki-san. You must join the Order. You're our last hope.
Rinyu: Is my ability that special?
Aki: Long ago, the Curse of Miasma exist as a girl who's raised in a poor family. She was sold to dirty rich people in that era. They humiliated her, abused her and took away everything that seem to bring her hope. The wrath in her eventually grew till she lost control of herself. She made a contract with the Emperor of Abyss and destroyed a large scale of land. At the same time, a boy who was rumoured that he can speak to the dead, heal the sorrows of one's soul and was a very kind person. He is a spirit user. He was the first spirit user that ever existed. His name was Akatsuki Ao. 
Rinyu: That name is very familiar.. I've heard it from my father when I was 5. He is my ancestor. The one that brought pride into our family name. I've always love to listen to my father talking about the great ancestor Ao.
But, I never knew that he was a spirit user.
Ai: He was indeed a true hero. When our dimension almost corrupt when the girl lost control, he was 14 and he sealed her to the depth of abyss and saved our dimension. From then, no one has ever heard of spirit users any more. 
Aki: Rinyu, it seems that his ability has been passed on to you. The new spirit user. 
*sound of knocking*
Ren: Rinyu!
Rinyu: Nii-chan! You're really here? 
Ren: I've rushed here as fast as I could when I heard from Daisuke. I have never thought that you would be here too. I've kept this as a secret for so long but I can't keep you from blooming.
Ai: Ren, you've always known about your sister?
Ren: -nods- Remember I'm part of the Akatsuki family. I possessed the ability 'Chi' which is a part of the element spirit but is associated with the ability 'Heal'. Therefore, I am not a spirit user. When Rinyu was born, I can see a bright shining figure beside her. I didn't doubt at all. That figure was Akatsuki Ao. I saw him holding Rinyu's small hands and kissed her forehead. 
Rinyu: Is that true?
Ren: That's not all. I even heard him say "In you flow the same blood as mine. You will complete what I've left for you." and then the figure disappeared. I ran in and saw you sleeping with a big smile on your face. I didn't tell father or mother about this. I don't want to lose you. 
Rinyu: It's okay Ren-nii. Since it's already been decided, I will carry out what he left for me. Ai-san, let me join the Order!
Ai: Of course. We have to let you train your ability.
Rinyu: But how? 
Aki: We have to let her bloom further. Ren, use 'chi' on her and try to activate her ability.
*after several tries*
Ren: It doesn't work on her. 
Aki: I guess we have to wait then. 
Ai: Well then, you two can go home for today. I'll inform you two about the tasks soon.
Ren: Okay. Come on Rinyu, let's go home.
----------------at home---------------------------------------------------
Ren: We're home~ Ryou-chan, what's dinner? <3 <3
Ryou: Eh? You two came home together?
Rinyu: Well I met up with him when I was hanging out with Hikari.
Ryou: Ah I see. Well, tonight we're having Hamburg steak! And mum's coming back tonight!
Rinyu: Eh? I thought she had a buisness trip that was two weeks long?
Ryou: She finished early. 
*Ren in frozen state*
Ryou: What's up with you -B(-
Ren: That old hag's gonna make my life miserable as soon as she comes back! AHHHHHH!
Rinyu: You're being an idiot. I wonder why you and mom quarrel like kids all the time?
Ren: That was mean -pouts-
Ryou: Ah! I forgot something at the park. I'll go out for a while!
*slams door and rushed out*
Rinyu: Nee, nii-chan.
Ren: Yes?
Rinyu: He didn't mean the park where I was just now right? There's 10 sprites on loose and I hears Hikari-chan and her group still havent found them yet. 
Ren: Ryou can't go alone. Let's follow him!
Rinyu: Unn!
--------------------------To Be Continued--------------------------------------------

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Chapter 1 - Spirit User

*sound of alarm clock*
Rinyu: Ugh. *BAM* *alarm clock fell*
Ryou: Nee-chan? Nee-chan, are you awake yet?
Rinyu: 5.. mi..nutes....
*Ryou's face got annoyed*
Ryou: Nee-chan! Wake up! *glares while he pull off her blanket*
Rinyu: Uwaaaah! *falls of her bed* I get it! I'll wake up.. ugh
Ryou: Today's breakfast is tamagoyaki, your favourite!
Rinyu: No, it's no-
Ryou: Yes, it is. *grins scarily*
Rinyu: Ah.. Yeah, that's right. My favourite. Ahahahaha.. 
[Rinyu: Why is he so scary when he's just fourteen years old? Where did he get that from? *thought of mom* Ah.. I remembered.]
*sounds of footsteps from the stairs*
Ren: Ah! Rinyu <3 <3 <3!!!!!
Rinyu: Eeh? Nii-chan? When did you get back?
*Ren hugs Rinyu*
Ren: Did you miss me?
Rinyu: Err.. Not really.
Ren: How mean! -pouts- Even though when I was away from you two, I only thought about you.
Ryou: There it goes again. -sigh-
Rinyu: Ahh! I'm going to be late! I'm Leaving! Thanks for the food!~
*on the way to school*
Hikari: Rinyu!
Rinyu: Ah, morning! -smiles-
Hikari: Nee, Rinyu, the item we bought from that antique store yesterday is kind of creeping me out.
Rinyu: You mean that weird looking doll.
Hikari: Yeah. It disappeared.
Rinyu: What? How?
Hikari: I don't know. When I woke up this morning, it was gone. Oh well, I don't really like it anyway.
Rinyu: Seriously. -sigh-
Hikari: Oh by the way, have you heard?
Rinyu: About?
Hikari: The two new transfer students!
Rinyu: And I care because?
Hikari: They might be hot guys! Or even better! They might be YOUR type!
Rinyu: Wait a second! Why MY TYPE? Not your type?
Hikari: Actually, I have someone in mind already. Tehehe~ -making weird face-
Rinyu: Ah, I see. -o.e- 
------------------------In Class---------------------------------------------
Sensei: Class! Quite down! There's two new transfer students and both will attend our class. Now, will you two introduce yourselves?
Yuuji: Then I'll go first! Nice to meet you! My name is Shirokawa Yuuji. I like archery and sleeping! hahaha.
Class: Hahahahahaha. You can't sleep in class yo!
Sora: I'm Koizumi Sora. I'm not very talkative so please bear with me. -looks down-
Class: Kyaa~ Kawaii! -guys- Eeh? A bishounen? -girls- Don't worry Sora-kun, you can be friends with us!
Sora: Please take care of me! -smiles with flowery background-
Girls: Kyaa~!!!!
Sensei: okay now, please take a seat beside Akatsuki-san at the back. 
*Sora and Yuuji both sits down*
Daisuke: Hey guys!
HIkari: Oh Otomiya-kun.
Daisuke: *saw Yuuji* Eh! Yuuji! 
Yuuji: Ah Daisuke!
Rinyu: You guys know each other?
Hikari: Actually, us three had known each other for quite some time now.
Rinyu: You guys work together or something?
Yuuji: Err, you can put it that way.
Daisuke: Ahh.. You guys make me wanna be in this class too -pouts-
Rinyu: Well then, let's eat together!
*Everyone stares at Rinyu's bento*
Hikari: Err, Rinyu...
Rinyu: Yeah?
Hikari: Your bento is kind of.. 
Daisuke: -reads- "You better finish or else! -Ryou " Wow.. Your little brother is the same as always huh?
Rinyu: Uhh.. Yeah.. -sigh-
Yuuji: Your little brother must love you very much huh?
Rinyu: If you want to put it that way.. yeah, I guess?
Daisuke: Oh! Want to go hang out somewhere after school? 
Hikari: Now you mentioned it, Rinyu-chan haven't gone out with us all before.
Rinyu: Ah, sure why not?
Yuuji: Then we'll go to that takoyaki stand! It's so delicious that I can't get enough!
Daisuke: Yeah! So that's it! I'm going back to my class now. See you guys later!
------------------After School---------------------------------------------
*Four of them walking to the takoyaki stand*
Yuuji: Eeh?!
Daisuke: What's wrong?
Yuuji: The takoyaki stand is not here today! I was looking forward to that! -sob sob-
Hikari: Well, let's go get something to eat then!
*sound of leaves rustling*
Yuuji: What was that?
*Daisuke looks at Hikari and Yuuji. They all nod their head*
Rinyu: What's going on?
Daisuke: Akatsuki-san, stand behind us.
Rinyu: Wait! Wh-
*10 B-level sprites run towards them through the bushes*
Rinyu: What are those?
Yuuji: These are not supposed to appear in an area like this!
Daisuke: Now that you've mentioned. Don't you think our surroundings are too quiet?
Hikari: I see. Then these must be illusion sprites. Ordinary people can't see them. They can only be seen by an ability user.
Rinyu: But.. I can see them.
*all three turned to Rinyu*
Yuuji: I see. we'll first rid of these first. Stay behind us.
*Hikari lifts a finger and two of those sprites have been lifted up*
*Yuuji took out a bow and arrows and start shooting*
*Daisuke breaths in and charge towards those sprites with fire on his fist*
Rinyu: What.. what are you guys? What do mean by ability users? These things exist? 
*All sprites disappeared to thin air before they're eliminated*
Daisuke: Darn! They got away. 
Yuuji: it's okay. We must first get Akatsuki-san to the Order.
Hikari and Daisuke: Agree!
---------------------The Cross Order-----------------------------------
Hannah: Kirie-dono, Hikari, Daisuke and Yuuji brought Akatsuiki Rinyu to see you.
Ai: Let them in. 
Hannah: Yes.
*the four of them walked in and sit in front of Kirie Ai*
Yuuji: Kirie-san.. Just now we encountered 10 illusion sprites that appeared out of nowhere. 
Ai: I see. The miasma must be getting thicker. 
Hikari: Rinyu-chan.. she can see the sprites.
Ai: Akatsuki-san. Are you an ability user?
Rinyu: What's an ability user? I've never seen those sprite things in my life!
Ai: I see. Well then I shall explain later. First, I want to know what ability you possess.
Rinyu: I don't know. 
*Ai stands up* 
Ai: Come, bring her to where Aki is.
*They walked to a room where it's completely dark in the end of a hallway. Ai turned the knob of the door which leads to an underground basement*
Rinyu: Where are we going?
Ai: To meet Aki Night, the boy who is given the title 'Master of Curses' in the age of 5.
Rinyu: How old is he now?
Ai: -smirk- fourteen.
Rinyu: That's two years younger than me. He's the same age as my brother Ryou.
Ai: Oh! I forgot to mention. Your older brother Akatsuiki Ren is here in the Cross Order too.
Rinyu: Ren nii-chan? Is he an ability user too?
Ai: Yes. We'll meet him later. Now we shall let you meet Aki Night.
Rinyu: Oh...
*In the end of the basement is another room. The room is large.*
*When they got nearer, Aki felt Rinyu's presence*
Ai: -knocks- Aki, I've brought someone to meet you.
Aki: Come in.
*The others stayed outside while Ai bring Rinyu in*
Ai: You can feel it don't you?
Aki: How do you know?
Ai: Your eyes told me everything.
Aki: What's your name?
Rinyu: Me? I'm Akatsuki Rinyu, nice to meet you.
Aki: Why are you here today?
Ai: Yuuji and his group told me that she can see the sprites even though she don't know what ability she possess.
Aki: I see. Well then let's find out. Akatsuki-san, this room possesses my curse's ability. I own a thousand curses and each can detect what ability user you are. Ai, leave her alone with me for a while.
Ai: Okay.
*Ai walks out and close the door*
Rinyu: What am I supposed to do?
Aki: First, let me ask you a question.
Rinyu: Go ahead.
Aki: Have you ever gone through anything like this before?
Rinyu: No. This is the first time I've seen those sprite thing.
Aki: It seem you have just 'bloomed'. I can sense your presence but not completely. You haven't completely bloomed yet.
Rinyu: You mean my ability?
Aki: Precisely!
Rinyu: How can you know what my ability is then?
Aki: Lets start the ability search then. 
*Aki starts chanting*
*A river of words and characters flow out of Aki and surrounds Rinyu*
*One character stayed on Rinyu's chest while the other characters all moved back to Aki.*
*Aki opened his eye and widen when he saw the character on Rinyu's chest*
Aki: S.. spirit?
Rinyu: What?
Aki: Could this be true? This is not a dream?
Rinyu: What's going on?
Aki: You.. you're a spirit user! 
Rinyu: What's a spirit user?
Aki: Do you know how rare your type is? Spirit is part of elemental ability which is rare. But spirit element is especially rare. There aren't even one in a century and right now in front of my eyes stood one.
Rinyu: What does a spirit user do?
Aki: I'm not quite sure but as you bloom further, you might work it out somehow. Come on, let's inform Ai-san. 
Rinyu: Un
------------------------------------------To Be Continued------------------------------------------

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Prologue - Birth

*sound of fireplace crackling*
Sui: I can't... I can't keep them... Aki... Atsui.. I definitely can't keep them..
*looks at her baby twins Aki and Atsui* *sound of their cries*
Sui: Aki, Atsui.. Mama's going to go somewhere far away. Mama hope that one day we will reconcile. That is.. if mama can live to see you grow up.
*Tears flowing from Sui's eyes*
*Sui leaving through the back door with a staff in her hand*
*She turned back to look at the old wooden door.. then she left into darkness*
Their grandfather came to check on Aki and Atsui but found that their mother had left them.
Ojii: Poor children. Ojii will protect you from now on. Don't cry my beloved grandchildren. Ojii's here. Hush Hush.
------------5 years later-------------
Aki: Ojii! Ojiii!!!
Ojii: Yes, yes my dear. What is all these ruckus?
Aki: Ojii, Atsui-nii took my marbles!
Ojii: Why so? Aren't you guys playing together? Hohohoho..
Aki: No we're not! We're having a battle! But Atsui-nii took my marbles, I can't battle him anymore.
*Atsui entered the living room*
Aki: Atsui-nii!!!
Atsui: Here.
*in Atsui's hand is a bag filled with marbles*
Aki: Atsui-nii, did you go and get me new marbles?
*Atsui blushed*
Atsui: Well, since yours looked like they're going to crumble so I got new ones from Aunt Mumu
Ojii: Oh how nice of her. You two go play. Ojii has to do some work here. Hoho..
Aki: Come on Atsui-nii!
Atsui: Okay!
Ojii took out his ink of the moon and a scroll. On the paper, written: "If a day may come when the cursed and the blessed combine, may the Spirit break their shells"
Ojii: I must pass this to Ai before they come.
Meanwhile, outside..
Atsui: Hey Aki.
Aki: Yeah?
Atsui: Have you ever wondered why do we have weird birthmarks?
Aki: Well, I did asked Ojii once. He said it was the last thing that mama left us before she left.
Atsui: Do your birthmark stings like mine?
Aki: What do you mean?
Atsui: The place where the birthmark is*at the left shoulder, shape of a sun* , it stings. As if it is absorbing energy into my body.
Aki: Ehh? Really? Mine just feel kind of normal. *birthmark located at the right shoulder, shape of a crest*
Atsui: I wonder how our mum looks like? I want to meet her. And ask her lots of questions.
Aki: Well, Aki is happy that Atsui-nii and Ojii is here together with me. I want to meet mama too.
Atsui: *smiles* Aki, I really love you!
Aki: Aki loves Atsui-nii too!
*both giggles*
*sound: rustle! Rustle!*
Aki: *turns his head to the noise* What was that?
Atsui: We better not move. I can feel something. It's dangerous.
Aki: We should go tell Ojii!
Atsui: On the count of 3. 1. 2.... 3!!!
*An A level sprite that looked like some sort of beast appears of out off the forest*
????: Ahh. How delightful. After 5 years, we've finally found where that women hid her treasure.
*Aki froze*
Atsui: Aki!*turns to the guy* who are you?! What do you want with us?
????: Oh, aren't you a feisty one. For a brat like you, you're quite daring.
Aki: A...Atsu..i.. *his hands trembling while holding on to Atsui*
Atsui: It's okay. run to Ojii! RUN NOW!
????: Oh no no no. You can't run. You both must come with me!
*??? controlled the sprite and was about to attack*
*Ojii rushed out and stood in front of Aki and Atsui with the scroll on his hand*
Ojii: Who are you? Are from Zen too? I won't let you get your hands on these children!
Atsui: Ojii!
????: Oh, how rude of me. My name is William. Do you know what will happen if you mess with me?
Ojii: Just don't touch them! Go back to Zen!
William: Oh no no no. Zen-sama will punish me if I don't take them back.
Atsui: We won't go with you!
William: Hehe? *murmurs* Philia~<3  Attack them. Kill that old guy. He's useless anyways.
*The sprite charged at them with full speed while it roared*
*Ojii turn to Aki*
Ojii: Aki! Take this and run with Atsui!
Aki: B..But
Atsui: Ojii!!!
Ojii: RUN NOW!!!
*Aki and Atsui ran as fast as they could with the scroll Ojii passed to Aki*
*The sprite slashed through Ojii's flesh as if it's a piece of paper*
*Aki turned back and saw their grandpa's blood spurting out from his body, looking terrified*
*tears flows out from Aki and Atsui's eyes*
William: Oh my.. Those two brats are trying to escape. Phillia!
*Roaring sound*
*The sprite charged at the kids. Atsui pushed Aki out of the way *
Aki: Atsui-nii!!!
Atsui: I'm alright! Run. Run now!
*Aki kept on running while holding tightly to Ojii's scroll*
Aki: *sniff. sniff* Why? Atsui-nii. Ojii... I must save Atsui-nii!
*Aki stopped and ran back*
*He returned and saw his brother in William's arms, covered with blood.*
Aki: What did you do to Atsui?!!!
William: Oh calm down brat! He's not dead. Zen-sama wants you both alive. Now come with me. You don't want to see your precious brother get hurt do you? Oh wait! He's already hurt. Hahaha
Aki: How dare you!
William: Phillia!
*The sprite charged once again*
???: Are you okay kid?
*A spark of lightning got through the whole area*
Aki: You.. Who.. Why?
William: How dare you intefere with the great me?!
???: Why wont I? I am an S ranked ability user after all. *smirks*
William: Phillia!
*The girl's eyes turn bright golden yellow. Energy is quickly surrounding her. Hence, creating sparks*
???: Do you think that small kitty cat of yours could beat the sparks? I am quite disappointed. Your realistic illusions are weaker than I thought.
William: Tsk! Don't underestimate me!
*her sparks sent the sprite flying through the air and hit the ground hard*
*The sprite disappeared*
William: How could this be? My illusion sprite!
???:Now give me that boy!
William: There's no way. *Smirks*
*william summoned 10 realistic illusion sprites and disappeared through thin air with Atsui*
???: Oh no! Boy, stand behind me!
Aki: But Atsui-nii! He's...
???: It's okay. We'll get him back soon.
*She focused all her energy on a single spark that exploded at each of the sprites*
*the sprites fall apart and disappeared*
???: Come on. Let's get you to somewhere safe.
Aki: Where? I want to get Atsui back!
???: We will get him back. But we must go to the Cross Order first. Kirie-dono will explain these things to you okay?
Aki: Yes.
----------At the Cross Order---------------
*sound of footsteps*
Aki: Miss.
???: Yes?
Aki: I still don't know your name? I'm Aki Night.
Hannah: Ah, I'm sorry. My name is Hannah. I'm an elemental ability user.
Aki: Ability user?
Hannah: Kirie-dono will tell you those later.
*both of them walk into a big office*
*Hannah knocks on the door*
Hannah: Kirie-dono.
Ai: Ah, please come in.
*Hannah and Aki walk in. Aki sat on the chair while Hannah stand beside Kirie Ai.*
Aki: Ah! You guys will save Atsui-nii right?
Ai: Hannah, you failed to save both?
Hannah: I've tried, Kirie-dono.
Ai: -sigh- Aki Night is it?
Aki: Yes.
Ai: I'm sorry. Once one is captured and brought back to Zen, I'm not sure if we can bring him back.
Aki: But- why?!
Hannah: -looks down on the floor-
Ai: Because we don't know where they are.
*Aki cries*
Aki: Bu.. But..
Ai: Look, Aki. Do you want to be able to save your brother?
Aki: Ye..s..
Ai: Show me the scroll that your Grandpa left you.
*Aki hands over the scroll*
*Ai opens the scroll and read it's content*
Ai: It seems...
Hannah: Could it be?
Ai: -nods- Aki, it seems that you and your brother are very special.
Aki: Why is that?
Ai: Haven't your grandpa told you anything?
Aki: Ojii never tell us anything about us.
Ai: I see..
Aki: What is it?
Ai: Do you know about the legend that every million years, on a certain day, a pair of twins will be cursed and blessed. Both possesses good and bad luck. Aki, what is the shape of your birthmark.
Aki: A crest.
Ai: I should have known. Aki.. You are cursed.
Aki: What do you mean? Am I going to die?
Ai: No, you won't die. But you will be affected. The curse you carry in your body is called the Thousand Curse of The Moon. Which means,..
Aki: Means?
Ai: If you can't withstand those one thousand curses, your body will be destroyed by them.
Aki: Then, what should I do so that I can live?
Ai: Be one with the curses. You need to learn to communicate with these one thousand curses! Each curse exist as a being inside of you. You'll have to make them your allies.
Aki: How am I supposed to do that?
Ai: Hannah, take Aki to 'that room'.
Hannah: Understood, Kirie-dono.
------------------------------To be continued---------------------------------------